
Welcome! I am Dr. Bernat Font (he/his), Assistant Professor in Data-Informed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) at TU Delft. My main research interest focuses on exploiting data to improve current CFD methods in terms of performance, optimization, and modelling. I also enjoy working in the numerical methods and high-performance computing side of CFD.

Some of my current projects involve:

  • Deep reinforcement learning for active flow control
  • Scale-resolving simulation for high-speed flows using low- and high-order methods
  • ML wall modelling for non-equilibrium boundary layers
  • PDE discovery from raw data using ML and sparse regression
  • WaterLily.jl: A Julia CFD solver using finite-volume and immersed-boundary methods with backend-agnostic execution (CPU/GPU)

I advocate for open science. Most of my papers have an e-print version you can download for free. The codes I write are also open source, and you can find them in GitHub. Please feel free to get in touch for questions, suggestions, or collaborations.

Contact and CV

Feel free to checkout my CV and my LinkedIn profile.

  • Email: b.font@tudelft.nl
  • Office: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology
                Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft (The Netherlands)